Bunny 6th June 2021

Bethy played a very special role in our lives - helping Libs cope with the rollercoaster of my cancer treatment and especially the effects of chemotherapy. Libs valued so much the totally normalising way that Bethy talked about cancer, about hair loss and getting better. It made an absolutely huge difference to me and Bethy probably never realised how much she had done for our family. My abiding memories are of Bethy and Libs in hysterics over the latest Dobby the hamster adventure- or debating furiously the relative merits of different Harry Potter houses and characters. I loved the fact they would just pop round and turn up at each others houses - and like all the children in Cotherstone would bowl off to the park or to go blackberry picking or throwing stones at the river together - flying hair and muddy shorts - just as it should be. I loved the care and attention Libs, Bethy and Kits made for their entry for the fun weekend last time and the joy of some rather hilarious Mary Poppins and popcorn constumery before that! Such wonderful times and memories from being so young and at toddler group together through for the next 10 years - magical memories which we will all treasure. Bethy your heart is huge and your time has been so precious. Thank you for letting us share some of it and for making a genuine difference to those whose lives you touched. May you soar with the wind ♥