Mary 8th June 2021

Bethy would always call a bright-eyed ‘Hello’ whenever we saw each other in the village, and when Fiona saw her and Emma at ‘Blazing Fiddles’ in Newcastle. I remember her in the starring role of Angel Gabriel in the Christmas Eve Nativity when she was only 7. I was flustering about whether she would be OK up in the pulpit all on her own. I needn’t have worried; her calm collectedness shone even brighter than her HUGE tinsel halo. Bethy seemed to manage to be bright and vivacious and calm and collected all at the same time! I know what Emma means about how Bethy will go on teaching us things. She has certainly reminded me (after me taking Emma for a picnic cup of tea and forgetting the tea bags😊 ) that things don’t have to be perfect, in fact they’re often better for not being so. I’ll be hanging on to that – and thanking Bethy! xxx