Bethy by Kitty

Created by Kitty one year ago
When we were in year 4, we went with scjool to lockerby manner in scotland. On the way there, i sat next to her on the window side and behind merry. When we reached the halfway point, us and the rest of key stage 2 were on top of a hill, but me,Bethy,Merry and Bella FB went to the very bottom and spent 45 minutes playing with the harry potter top trumps i had packed. I remember she git mixed up and said magic minerva and hagrid holes. This became an inside joke between us for the rest if time. Me, bethy, merry and bella all shared a room and through out activities were all always in a group together. And those are aome of my most vivid memories of her, ziplining oceoss a wood, stand up paddle boarding or just sitting laughing in the sunlight.❤️🎗 
