Bethy by Libby

Created by Bunny 2 years ago

"If I had to describe Bethy in 3 words it would be carefree, funny and caring. She made me laugh on the trampoline and we were Potterheads - the best thing was playing Hogwarts in the park me Kits and Bethy. I was always Luna and Bethy liked being Nute Scamander. We talked for hours about hamsters and she persuaded me on getting a Russian dwarf - she loved Dobby and we made up runs in boxes and assault courses for her. We would read together just quietly whilst stroking Dobby. She was a lovely person inside and out. I am planting a buddlea tree as it was something Bethy loved to look at in the garden with its bright colours and all the butterflies so I can think lots of colourful thoughts and remember her."