Bethy in all things Beautiful

Created by Carol 3 years ago

“I’m free! I’m free!” she trilled as she hopped and skipped across the ward. Delighted to have escaped the clutches of Cancer’s first attack, a three-year-old Bethy threw off the gloom that had settled for a while and emerged like a butterfly eager to test her wings and soar. Music, drama, literature, creative arts were natural places for her to land to absorb their rich skills and to test her own.
Is it too far-fetched to say that there was beauty in everything she did? But there seemed to be She would stroke beautiful music from the piano keys, create fresh new worlds in her writing, take tiny, tiny threads of cotton and weave them into precious gifts to squeeze your very soul.  

And there was beauty in her character too. She was compassionate and empathetic. When she decided on a pet for herself, her concern for the wellbeing of the animal overrode any sense of treating herself. She researched the best practice for its care, and to ensure she could meet those standards set about a remarkable regime of training and preparation for her precious Dwarf Hamster, Mavis. She had a love of animals great and small as many of the recollections on here show so well.

Bethy’s lovely nature was nurtured in the security and happiness of her home where Emma, Jonathan and Ben were a tight team of support and encouragement where it was always ok to try and fail if needs be, where ideas could be tested and discussed, challenged and encouraged, where it was safe to laugh at yourself on occasion too!

Out of the home, she made and kept friends. She treasured them and their many memories of more joyful times and towards the end of her life looked forward to their visits after school when they would chat about their day and often read to her from the books they shared between them. Wonderful girls who brought such happiness to her in those last days -thank you so much.

Quick to smile, compassionate and thoughtful, Bethy. We miss you. x
